The strenght of SMS

SMS is very fast and efficient: it is among the most direct ways of communicating with clients.

Short Message Service

SMS is delivered in a matter of seconds, so your marketing message will reach your target audience almost immediately upon being sent.
Even if the mobile phone is switched off or out of the signal, SMS will be delivered within 48 hours of being sent.

Data shows that:

SMS read.
SMS read within 3 mins.
People worldwide use SMS.

Sms Marketing

Text messages are cheap especially if you buy them in bulk. No other marketing method provides such affordable results.

Text messages can reach millions of people in no time, wherever they are!

Due to its simplicity and reach, SMS has become a globally adopted communication channel. Thanks to the limitation in length (160 characters), messages are small, direct, concise and go straight to the point.

Ready to get started?

Fill out the form and send us a request,
contact us to have more information.